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Some of our recent accomplishments include

  • Helping to hold the line on taxes and fees. For over a decade, we have headed off efforts to increase registration fees (as recently as 2021 we were able to fend off DOUBLING of the Watercraft Excise Tax) , place a new tax on the sale of used vessels, and more.
  • Keeping up the fight to get boaters their fair share of the taxes and fees they already pay. We work hard to direct these revenues toward boating programs vs. just going into the General Fund.
  • Significantly increasing funding for the Boating Facilities Program by successfully advocating for Capital Budget allocations and removing a future lid on the percentage of fuel-tax funding that goes into the BFP.
  • Protecting the privacy of vessel registrations by successfully advancing legislation that keeps your information from being sold or marketed.
  • Highlighted Seattle Harbor Patrol staffing and equipment issues and organized a coalition of businesses, government agencies and marine organizations to advocate with with Seattle Leaders 
  • We work to maintain boating opportunities - we have organized the "Let's stay in the Bay" outreach to boaters to help preserve our ability to anchor in Andrews Bay on Lake Washington.
  • Supporting sensible environmental programs and laws via our membership in the National Clean Boating Campaign. We provide financial support for the Derelict Vessel Removal Program and invasive species removal and we have joined with others on educating the public through the “Be Whale Wise” campaign. We subscribe to the slogan "BOATING IS GOOD CLEAN FUN, LET'S KEEP IT THAT WAY".
  • Coming to your defense against unnecessary restrictions, such as a "No Discharge Zone" for the entirety of Puget Sound.  An NDZ designation was headed off for nearly a decade and is now pending subject to the outcome of litigation being pursued by the American Waterways Operators.
  • Supporting state funding for boating safety projects, educating boaters on safety and environmental issues, and promoting the proper and safe use of marine equipment and marine radios.
  • Working with our Canadian neighbors. We meet with the B.C. Council of Yacht Clubs and exchange ideas that help boaters from both countries know and understand each other's problems with customs, fisheries, boating laws, safety and education, environmental regs, and Coast Guard operations.
  • Supporting pro boating legislation at a national level. RBAW has formed a new partnership with Boat U.S. and is a principle member of the National Boating Federation (NBF). Our voice is heard in Washington, D.C.
  • Keeping boaters informed. A periodic newsletter is sent to each member and is posted on this website to keep you up on pertinent issues.
  • Helping the state to get it right on Boating Under the Influence, personal ‘PFD’ wear, and other policy issues where safety and civil liberties need to be carefully balanced.
  • Saving boaters money by successfully pushing back on regulations such as a Department of Natural Resources Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), electrical code rules put forth by State Labor & Industries (L&I), and a current marina mitigation program being evaluated by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). Yet your RBAW dues are far less than the money you save each year

Copyright © 2023 Recreational Boating Association of Washington - All Rights Reserved.

Recreational Boating Association of Washington
P.O. Box 17063, Seattle, WA 98127
Phone: (206) 929-2757

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